Franz mesmer and animal magnetism
Franz mesmer and animal magnetism

Since then, psychologists and medical hypnotists have refined that process, helping people endure painful surgery without anesthetic, for instance. In effect, Franklin and his colleagues discovered that the true source of Mesmer’s power came from his patients, who cured themselves - or at least mitigated their symptoms - through the power of their own minds. Even d’Elson was convinced, concluding that “the imagination thus directed to the relief of suffering humanity would be a most valuable means in the hands of the medical profession.” The experiments proved that animal magnetism was not real, and its apparent effects were actually due to people’s belief in the power of Mesmer and his colleagues. She fainted, and was given a bowl of water to drink to revive her - water that, unbeknownst to her, had been “magnetized.” That bowl of water had no effect. Another young woman drank water she believed to have been magnetized, but wasn’t. The woman responded by falling into convulsions and biting her hand so hard she left a mark. In one experiment, they tricked a young woman into believing that Mesmer disciple Charles d’Elson was in an adjacent room, directing animal magnetism toward her through a closed door. The commissioners conducted several tests to determine whether animal magnetism was real or imagined. The other commission included members of the Royal Society of Medicine. Joseph-Ignace Guillotin, a medical reformer who became famous for pushing France to devise a more humane, mechanized way of carrying out the death penalty. ambassador to France at the time, and eight eminent scientists, including Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier, the father of modern chemistry, and Dr. One was led by Benjamin Franklin, the U.S. On March 12, 1782, the king appointed two commissions to investigate Mesmer’s claims. The potential indecency of the gatherings- and the fact that some of Mesmer’s disciples began espousing revolutionary ideas - attracted the attention of King Louis XIV. The ladies would convulse, scream and faint as Mesmer waved his hands over them or touched them. Mesmer made a fortune running several clinics and attending private parties, often of upper-class women.

franz mesmer and animal magnetism

A musician playing a piano or glass harmonica - an instrument with the eerie sound of a finger on the edge of a wine glass - accompanied the treatment. Mesmer directed the “magnetism” by walking around the tub and touching his patients, often on their abdomens and inner thighs. Iron rods protruded from the tub, and patients touched them to their ailing body parts. He’d wave his hands over bottles of water, thus “magnetizing” them, and place the bottles in a tub filled with water and a layer of metal fillings. To meet demand, he trained disciples and developed a way to treat a dozen patients at a time. There, word of Mesmer’s cures spread quickly, and the doctor soon found himself with more patients than he could treat. But after a more-or-less failed attempt at restoring the sight of blind piano prodigy Maria Theresa Paradis, Mesmer fell out of favor in Vienna and decamped to Paris in 1778. He tamed the throat spasms of a young baron, stilled a sleep-walking professor and cured a young woman with a mysterious, blistering illness.

franz mesmer and animal magnetism franz mesmer and animal magnetism

However, he soon discovered that the magnets were superfluous - all he really had to do was bring his hands near patients to affect miraculous cures. Borrowing from the theories of a colleague, he attempted to cure patients by placing magnets on them. Mesmer discovered “animal magnetism” as a young doctor in Vienna. So, when charismatic Austrian physician Franz Anton Mesmer claimed to have discovered yet another invisible force - one that, he said, coursed through every living thing and was the cause and cure of every physical ailment - the finding seemed entirely within the realm of possibility to people living in the Age of Enlightenment. And thousands of spectators gathered in Paris to watch French inventor Jacques Alexandre Charles harness invisible gases to take flight in the first hydrogen-filled balloon. Benjamin Franklin captured and experimented with electricity. Eighteenth-century Europe was abuzz with the frequent discovery of invisible and mysterious forces.

Franz mesmer and animal magnetism